Buying direct from RC Disco is as easy as 1-2-3!
When you see the Buy Now button example button next to a product then it is in stock and available to ship today. Simply choose the quantity you need and click the "buy now" button.
If a product is out of stock then there will be a Login & Backorder button example button if you are not logged in, or a Backorder button example button if you are logged in. This is used to notify RC Disco that you need this item. (See back order details below)
When you have added all the products you want, go to your shopping cart (Green menu button on the left side) which contains all of the products you have added.
Check or change quantities, login if you have an account then click Proceed to Check Out Example to begin the checkout process.
Follow the instructions on the checkout pages, you can create an account if you haven't already (see the Why create an account? section below). However if you prefer you can buy without creating an account.

Note: RC Disco use SagePay to process your payment details, so you may notice that you are transferred to a secure server when you are required to enter your credit/debit card details. We use SagePay because they are a trusted payment gateway and you can be confident that your details are handled with maximum security over an encrypted connection.
After you've placed your order
Once you have placed your order you will receive an automated email containing your order details and an order reference number which you can use should you need to contact RC Disco at any point regarding your order. If you have created an account with us, you will be able to check your order status by clicking on "Order History" in the "My Account" section on the left-hand-side of the website.
Why create an account?
Why create an account at RC Disco
There are several benefits to creating an account. These include:

  • Next time you visit the RC Disco website you will be able to login and auto-populate your address details. You can login at any time by clicking "Login" under the "My Account" section on the left-hand-side of the page.
  • You can track the progress of all your orders within the "My Account" section to check if they've been picked and what date they were shipped.
  • If a product is sold out, you can add it to your "Back Order List" (which works like a saved items list for out-of-stock products - see below).
Back Orders
Back Order List
  • If a product is sold out, you can add it to your "Back Order List" by clicking the Backorder button example button for the product you need.
  • The "back order list" which works like a saved items list for out-of-stock products
  • You can remove items from your back order list at any time, there is no need for any payment or deposit.
  • When we receive new stock of any items on your back order list you will receive an email notifying you that they are now available.
  • Once stock is in, simply return to you back order list, transfer them to you shopping cart and proceed to check out.